Measurement of urinary monohydroxy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using automated liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography/isotope dilution high-resolution mass spectrometry

Zheng Li, Lovisa C. Romanoff, Debra A. Trinidad, Nasira Hussain, Richard S. Jones, Erin N. Porter, Donald G. Patterson, Andreas Sjödin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

157 Scopus citations


A method for the measurement of 24 hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites (OH-PAHs) in urine has been developed. The method is based on enzymatic deconjugation, automated liquid-liquid extraction, and gas chromatography/isotope dilution high-resolution mass spectrometry after derivatization of the OH-PAHs to the trimethylsilylated derivatives. The metabolites included in the current method are formed from eight different parent compounds. The limits of detection were below 7 pg/mL when using a sample size of 2 mL of urine, except for 1- and 2-naphthols (18 and 12 pg/mL, respectively). The enzymatic deconjugation efficiency, verified by deconjugation of urine samples spiked with α-naphthyl β-D-glucuronide sodium salt (1-NAP-GLU) and pyrene-1-sulfate potassium salt (1-PYR-SULF), was determined to be 97% for 1-NAP-GLU conjugate and 84% for 1-PYR-SULF. The overall coefficients of variance for six batches of qualify control samples (n = 42), was 2.9-11%. Mean method recoveries of the 13C-labeled internal standards were 66-72%, except for 13C6-1-naphthol (46%). The throughput of this method has been determined to be 40 samples per day per analyst This method is currently applied to epidemiological studies, such as the National Exposure and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), to measure human exposure to PAHs.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)5744-5751
Number of pages8
JournalAnalytical chemistry
Issue number16
StatePublished - Aug 15 2006

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Analytical Chemistry


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