Microstructure and mechanical properties of microwave-assisted heating of pozzolan-Portland cement paste at a very early stage

Natt Makul, Dinesh Kumar Agrawal

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4 Scopus citations


Portland-pozzolan cement pastes at a very early stage subjecting to microwave heating were investigated. Microwave with a 2.45 GHz and multimode cavity was used for the experiments. The pastes containing pozzolan materials (pulverized fuel ash, metakaolin and silica fume) were proportioned with a 0.38 water/solid mass ratio and a 20% by weight replacement of total solid content. It was observed that the temperature increased continuously during microwave heating. Some ettringite rods and amorphous C-S-H fibers appear at 4 hrs. The metakaolin-cement paste exhibited little difference between the water cured and microwave-cured pastes. For the silica fume-cement paste the SF particles under microwave curing had dispersed more than with the 4 hr-cement paste. The produced phases included calcium silicate hydrate, calcium hydroxide and xenotile. The pastes can be developed in compressive strength quite rapidly and also consumed more Ca(OH)2 in the pozzolan reaction to produce more C-S-H.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)693-703
Number of pages11
JournalSongklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2013

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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