Millimeter wave polarimetric scattering from ice crystals

Kultegin Aydin, C. Tang

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations


    Research activities are underway for testing the feasibility of 94 GHz radars for cloud observations. This paper presents the 94 and 220 Ghz backscattering and extinction cross sections at horizontal polarization for single ice crystals. The ratios of copolar cross sections at horizontal and vertical polarizations as well as the depolarization ratios are also presented for use in discriminating ice crystal type. The backscattering (σE) cross sections of hexagonal columns, hexagonal plates and stellar crystals are evaluated at 94 and 220 GHz frequencies. The model ice crystals are randomly aligned on the horizontal plane with their large dimensions parallel to this plane. The crystal size is varied from 100 to 2000 μm. The 220 GHz values of σb and σE are generally greater than those at 94 GHz except for plates and stellar crystals where the 220 GHz σB oscillates due to resonance scattering. An interesting result is the relatively high values of the depolarization ratio at vertical incidence for hexagonal columns as compared to the very low values for hexagonal plates and stellar crystals. This could be used for discriminating columns from plates and stellar crystals.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Radar Meteorology
    PublisherPubl by American Meteorological Soc
    Number of pages3
    StatePublished - 1993
    Event26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology - Norman, OK, USA
    Duration: May 24 1993May 28 1993


    Other26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology
    CityNorman, OK, USA

    All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

    • General Engineering


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