Multiphase micro-macroscopic model of solute diffusion in dendritic alloy solidification

Chao-yang Wang, C. Beckermann

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

3 Scopus citations


A new model, aimed at predicting microstructure formation in metal castings, is proposed for solute diffusion during dendritic solidification of alloys. The model accounts for the different length scales existing in a dendritic structure. This is accomplished by utilizing a multiphase approach, in which not only the various physical phases but also phases associated with different length scales are considered separately. The macroscopic conservation equations are derived for each phase using the volume averaging technique, with constitutive relations developed for the interfacial transfer terms. It is shown that the multiphase model can rigorously incorporate a kinetic law for dendrite tips growing into an undercooled melt, as well as finite-rate solute diffusion in the solid. In addition, the distinction of different length scales enables the inclusion of realistic descriptions of the dendrite topology and relations for key metallurgical parameters. Another novel aspect of the model is that a single set of equations for solute diffusion is developed for both equiaxed and columnar dendritic solidification. Finally, several simplified versions of the general model are discussed and compared to previous studies.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationMicro/Macro Scale Phenomena in Solidification
PublisherPubl by ASME
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)0791810607
StatePublished - 1992
EventWinter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Anaheim, CA, USA
Duration: Nov 8 1992Nov 13 1992

Publication series

NameAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD
ISSN (Print)0272-5673


OtherWinter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
CityAnaheim, CA, USA

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes


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