Multiple fine-needle biopsies using a coaxial technique: Efficacy and a comparison of three methods

Kenneth D. Hopper, Catherine Abendroth, Thomas R. TenHave, Jonathan Hartzel, Carrie A. Savage

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6 Scopus citations


Purpose Compare the success of three coaxial fineneedle biopsy techniques in obtaining multiple cytologic specimens of high quality. Methods For each of three different biopsy needle and technique combinations (aspiration: 22-gauge Chiba; capillary: 22-gauge Chiba; 22-gauge Autovac aspiration biopsy gun), 30 sites (15 liver, 15 kidney) were selected for coaxial fine-needle biopsy in cadaveric liver and kidneys. For each coaxial technique, three sequential biopsies were performed through an 18-gauge coaxial needle at each of multiple sites. The quality of the resultant 270 specimens was graded by a blinded cytopathologist using a previously published grading scheme. Results Using the coaxial technique, there was no significant dropoff in the cytologic specimen quality among the first, second, and third biopsies at a specific site, regardless of the order of the techniques/needles used. This was true for organs, the overall data, and for the individual five grading criteria. There was, however, a significant difference among the biopsy techniques themselves. Though there was no difference in the quality of cytopathologic specimen obtained with the Autovac aspiration gun and the aspiration technique with a 22-gauge Chiba needle, both were statistically better than the nonaspiration, capillary technique utilizing a 22-gauge needle (p = 0.0001). Conclusion The use of a coaxial technique with a fineneedle, 22-gauge biopsy offers unique advantages in obtaining a nearly unlimited amount of high-quality material for cytopathologic analysis. In this study, no dropoff was found in specimen quality with subsequent biopsies.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)307-311
Number of pages5
JournalCardiovascular and Interventional Radiology
Issue number5
StatePublished - Sep 1995

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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