Nitrogen dynamics during O3-induced accelerated senescence in hybrid poplar

D. G. Bielenberg, J. P. Lynch, E. J. Pell

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22 Scopus citations


Experiments were conducted to determine the fate of nitrogen (N) remobilized as a result of ozone (O3)-induced accelerated senescence in hybrid poplar subjected to declining N availability concurrent with O3 stress. Cuttings were grown in sand culture where the supply of N to the plant could be controlled on a daily basis and reduced in half of the plants when desired. Plants all initially received 3.57 mM N daily until approximately the 20 leaf stage after which daily supply of N was reduced to 0.71 mM. Plants were grown in open-top chambers in the field (Rock Springs, PA, USA) and received charcoal-filtered air, half also received supplemental O3 to a level of 0.08 μL L-1. Allocation of newly acquired N was determined with 15N. The specific allocation (mg labelled N mg-1 total N) of labelled N to upper, expanding leaf N was not affected by O3, but was strongly affected by N treatment. However, O3 increased the relative partitioning of labelled N to the expanding leaves and the roots. The balance between partitioning of newly acquired N to the upper leaves and roots was not affected by O3, but was reduced by N withdrawal. Calculated net N flux was strongly negative in the lower leaves of O3-exposed, N withdrawal plants. Nitrogen uptake was not reduced by O3. The allometric relationships between the roots and shoots were not affected by O3 or N availability. The relative contribution of newly acquired versus remobilized N to new growth appears to be determined by N supply. Ozone exposure alters the allocation of newly acquired N via alterations in plant size, whereas N availability exerts a strong effect upon both plant size and N allocation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)501-512
Number of pages12
JournalPlant, Cell and Environment
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2002

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Physiology
  • Plant Science


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