NuSTAR Observations of a Heavily X-Ray-obscured AGN in the Dwarf Galaxy J144013+024744

Shrey Ansh, Chien Ting J. Chen, W. N. Brandt, Carol E. Hood, E. S. Kammoun, G. Lansbury, Stéphane Paltani, Amy E. Reines, C. Ricci, Douglas A. Swartz, Jonathan R. Trump, F. Vito, Ryan C. Hickox

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3 Scopus citations


We present a multiwavelength analysis of the dwarf Seyfert 2 galaxy J144013+024744, a candidate obscured active galactic nucleus (AGN) thought to be powered by an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH, M ≈ 104−106 M ) of mass M ∼ 105.2 M . To study its X-ray properties, we targeted J144013+024744 with NuSTAR for ≈100 ks. The X-ray spectrum was fitted with an absorbed power law, Pexmon, and a physical model (RXTorus). A Bayesian X-ray analysis was performed to estimate the posteriors. The phenomenological and the physical models suggest the AGN to be heavily obscured by a column density of N H = (3.4-7.0) × 1023 cm−2. In particular, the RXTorus model with a subsolar metallicity suggests the obscuring column to be almost Compton-thick. We compared the 2-10 keV intrinsic X-ray luminosity with the inferred X-ray luminosities based on empirical scaling relations for unobscured AGNs using L [Oiv] 25.89 μm, L [Oiii] λ5007, and L 6μm and found that the high-excitation [Oiv] line provides a better estimate of the intrinsic 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity ( L 2 - 10 int ∼ 10 41.41 erg s−1). Our results suggest that J144013+024744 is the first type 2 dwarf galaxy that shows X-ray spectroscopic evidence for obscuration. The column density that we estimated is among the highest measured to date for IMBH-powered AGNs, implying that a typical AGN torus geometry might extend to the low-mass end. This work has implications for constraining the BH occupation fraction in dwarf galaxies using X-ray observations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number82
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 1 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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