On the Budgeted Priority p-Median Problem in High-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces

Zhen Zhang, Zi Yun Huang, Zhi Ping Tian, Li Mei Liu, Xue Song Xu, Qi Long Feng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Given a set of clients and a set of facilities with different priority levels in a metric space, the Budgeted Priorityp-Median problem aims to open a subset of facilities and connect each client to an opened facility with the same or a higher priority level, such that the number of opened facilities associated with each priority level is no more than a given upper limit, and the sum of the client-connection costs is minimized. In this paper, we present a data reduction-based approach for limiting the solution search space of the Budgeted Priorityp-Median problem, which yields a (1+ε)-approximation algorithm running in O(ndlogn)+(pε-1)pε-O(1)nO(1) time in d-dimensional Euclidean space, where n is the size of the input instance and p is the maximal number of opened facilities. The previous best approximation ratio for this problem obtained in the same time is (3+ε).

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalJournal of the Operations Research Society of China
StateAccepted/In press - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Mathematics
  • Management Science and Operations Research


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