title = "Organization of cortical microtubules in plant cells",
abstract = "Cortical microtubule arrays in plants are involved in many morphogenetically important processes. Recent analog cytochemical and immunolocalization experiments have provided new insights into the temporal and spatial dynamics of cortical microtubules. Current data suggest that the arrangement of these arrays is modulated by cell cycle and signal transduction elements, including calcium.",
author = "Cyr, {Richard J.} and Palevitz, {Barry A.}",
note = "Funding Information: The authorsw ishto thankD eborahF isherf or her assistance duringt he preparatioonf thism anuscripBt.A Palevitzis sup-portedb y a grantf romt heD epartmenotf Agriculturea,n db y a ResearcPhr ofessorshaipw ardfr omt heO fficeo f theV icePres-identf or ResearchU, niversitoy f GeorgiaR. J Cyr is supported by grantsf romt he Departmenotf Energyt,h e Departmenotf Agriculturea, nd by an IntercollegRee searchg rantf rom The PennsylvanSiat ateU niversity.",
year = "1995",
doi = "10.1016/0955-0674(95)80046-8",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "7",
pages = "65--71",
journal = "Current Opinion in Cell Biology",
issn = "0955-0674",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
number = "1",