Parental Factors as Predictors of Dating Violence Among Latinx Adolescent Mothers

Lara Hoss, Michelle L. Toews, Norma Perez-Brena, Eric Goodcase, Mark Feinberg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The purpose of our study was to examine how parental stress and coparenting relationship quality were related to dating violence perpetration and victimization among 114 Latinx adolescent mothers. We hypothesized that higher levels of parental stress and lower coparenting quality would be associated with increased dating violence perpetration and victimization. Prior to running a path analysis to test our hypotheses, we examined how frequently the Latinx adolescent mothers in our sample reported perpetrating at least one act of psychological or physical abuse against their partner in the past month. We found that 84.3% of the mothers in our study had perpetrated at least one act of violence against their partner in the past month and 74.7% reported they had been the victim of at least one act of violence by their partner in the past month. After accounting for frequency of contact with the father of their child, we found Latinx adolescent mothers were more likely to perpetrate abuse against, as well as be the victim of abuse by, their partner if they had a lower quality coparenting relationship. However, parental stress was not associated with dating violence perpetration or victimization after accounting for frequency of contact. Our findings show the importance of the quality of the coparenting relationship, above and beyond parental stress, as a predictor of dating violence victimization and perpetration, thus highlighting the importance of educating adolescent parents about how to navigate the coparenting relationship.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)NP9994-NP10011
JournalJournal of Interpersonal Violence
Issue number17-18
StatePublished - Sep 2021

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Applied Psychology


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