Patients' perception of regional anesthesia at a university hospital

G. W. Rune, P. M. McQuillan, D. P. Williams, S. Riemondy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Purpose: Regional anesthesia (RA) techniques are commonly used at our institution. Although these techniques are readily accepted by our patients, we have not formally evaluated our patients' perceptions. In an effort to understand and improve our regional anesthesia practice, we sought their opinions. Methods: We designed a 16 question survey to provide information regarding the perioperative experience of patients who undergo RA. After IRB approval, the questionnaire was mailed to 150 consecutive patients who had a regional anesthetic at our hospital. Results: Eighty questionnaires were returned (53% response rate). An abbreviated form of the questions and patient responses follow. Answers represent the percent of respondents. The sum of responses may not equal 100% because some respondents did not answer all questions. SL = slightly; UNCOMF = uncomfortable 1. Previously heard of RA? Yes No 71% 28% 2. Had RA in past? Yes No 26% 72% 3. If #2 "yes": experience? Excellent Good Fair Bad 58% 31% 4% 424 4. Type of surgery? CNS Chest Abdominal Ortho Other 0% 1% 53% 15% 25% 5. Time RA chosen? Pre-Hospital @Surgeon @Anesthesiologist 16% 25% 55% 6. RA adequately explained? Yes No 94% 4% 7. Afraid of RA? Yes No 59% 38% 8. What was frightening? Being Awake The Unknown Risk Of Paralysis RA Failure 18% 28% 26% 13% 9. Comfortable at insertion? Comfortable SLUNCOMF Very UNCOMF Don't Remember 50% 29% 8% 11% 10. Comfort during surgery? Asleep Comfortable SLUNCOMF Very UNCOMF Don't Remember 23% 53% 16% 6% 3% 11. Continued RA postop? Yes No 34% 56% 12. If #11 "yes": postop visits? Often Enough Not Often Enough Never 36% 1% 424 13. Pleased overall? Yes No 84% 4% 14. Prefer RA to previous ga? Yes No No Previous Experience 46% 924 35% 15. Prefer RA postop? Yes No No Previous Experience 36% 8% 45% 16. Nerve block side effects? Yes No 9% 84% Discussion: This survey provided valuable information about our RA practice. We have used this data to implement several changes to improve the perioperative experience of patients who have RA. A preoperative procedure room is now used to maximize patient comfort and privacy during RA techniques. This area also provides an ideal environment for resident teaching, and has increased the success rate of RA procedures.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)61
Number of pages1
JournalRegional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Issue number3 SUPPL.
StatePublished - 1998

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


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