Pennsylvania statewide winter squash cultivar evaluation

Elsa S. Sánchez, Thomas M. Butzler, Lee J. Stivers, Timothy E. Elkner, Steven M. Bogash, R. Eric Oesterling, Michael D. Orzolek

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Butternut, acorn, and buttercup/kabocha winter squash (Cucurbita sp.) cultivars were evaluated in a conventional systemin central, southeastern, and southwestern Pennsylvania in 2010-11. Results from individual locations were used to create statewide recommendations, which are also relevant for the mid-Atlantic U.S. region. Additionally, butternut and acorn cultivars were evaluated in an organic system in central Pennsylvania. In a conventional system, butternut cultivars JWS6823, Betternut 401, Quantum, and Metro are recommended based on equal or higher marketable yield than the standard Waltham Butternut. Acorn squash cultivars that performed equally to or better than the standard, Tay Belle, were Table Star, Harlequin, and Autumn Delight. In the kabocha/buttercup category, 'Sweet Mama' and 'Red Kuri' had marketable yields not different from the standard 'Sunshine' in central and southeastern Pennsylvania. In the organic system, butternut cultivars JWS6823, Betternut 401, and Metro all had marketable yields not different from the standard Waltham Butternut. For acorn cultivars, Celebration yield did not differ from the standard Table Queen.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)826-837
Number of pages12
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2012

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Horticulture


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