Perceptions of Lactation Experience Among Neurology Faculty and Impact of Lactation Time on Academic Achievement at U.S. Academic Medical Centers

Sarah R. Durica, Jesse Miller, Cynthia Zheng, Parneet Grewal, Chen Zhao, Halley B. Alexander, Suma Shah, Sarah Isis R. Delima, Annie He, Ailing Yang, Christa O’hana S. Nobleza, Padmaja Sudhakar, Kamala Rodrigues, Myriam Abennadher, Doris H. Kung, Neishay Ayub, Natasha Frost, Seema Nagpal, Katherine Zarroli, Sol De JesusNicole Brescia, Nancy Foldvary-Schaefer, Laura Tormoehlen, June Yoshii-Contreras, Deborah Bradshaw, Jane B. Allendorfer, Alyssa F. Westring, Julie K. Silver, Sasha Alick-Lindstrom, Sima I. Patel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: To investigate the perceptions of lactation experiences of neurology faculty and the impact of lactation time on academic achievement. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study utilizing a survey administered across 19 academic neurology centers in the United States. Respondents self-identified as having children and answered questions about lactation at work. Demographic information; academic achievement including publications, guest speakerships, awards, leadership roles, and funding; and perception of lactation experience were analyzed. Results: Among 162 respondents, 83% took lactation time at work. Thirty-seven percent reported lack of employer support for lactation, 46% were dissatisfied with their lactation experience, 59% did not receive compensation for lactation time, 62% did not have blocked clinical time, 73% reported relative value units were not adjusted to accommodate lactation, and 43% reported lack of access to private lactation space. Women spent on average 9.5 months lactating per child and desired 2.4 further months of lactation. There was no difference in all measures of self-reported academic achievement between women who did and did not take lactation time when measured across all career stages. Conclusions: Although a majority of respondents took lactation time at work, perceptions of employer support for lactation were low, and expectations for work productivity were not adjusted to accommodate lactation time. Taking lactation time at work did not decrease self-reported academic achievement. System-level best practices designed to support lactating faculty should be developed to guide academic institutions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalJournal of Women's Health
StateAccepted/In press - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Medicine


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