Photocatalytic oxidation of selected organic contaminants in a continuous flow reactor packed with titania-doped silica

Frederick R. Holmes, Paul A. Chadik, David W. Mazyck, Chang Yu Wu, M. Joanne Garton, Kevin W. Powers, Danielle J. Londeree

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


A prototype reactor was designed and tested to oxidize synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) without the use of expendable chemicals and without the need to separate the catalyst from the water after treatment. An annular continuous flow reactor with a nominal volume of 400 mL was packed with silica gel pellets that were doped with titania (TiO2) (12 wt%). The reactor was configured in a test stand with UV lamps in the center of the reactor. SOC oxidation experiments were performed in a recycle mode and in a single-pass mode. Five target analytes (acetone, chlorobenzene, ethyl acetate, toluene, and methylmethacrylate) were spiked (100 to 300 μg/L) into nano-pure water and recycled through the reactor until adsorption equilibrium was attained. UV lamps, which were shielded, were then uncovered, and effluent concentrations were monitored as a function of time. All of the compounds were degraded to below detection limit (5 μg/L) after an extended reaction period of 23 hours. Oxidation was found to be a function of empty bed contact time, and first order rate constants for the photocatalytic degradation of three of the contaminants were determined.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalSAE Technical Papers
StatePublished - 2004
Event34th International Conference on Environmental Systems, ICES 2004 - Colorado Springs, CO, United States
Duration: Jul 19 2004Jul 22 2004

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
  • Pollution
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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