Quantitative evaluation of service health condition for cutting tools on cutterhead in long-distance mechanized shield tunneling

Yingjie Wei, Yuyou Yang, Mingjiang Tao, Tong Qiu, Yuxin Jie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Inspection, repair and replacement of mechanized shield cutting tools is a necessary but time-consuming, dangerous, risky and costly process. Yet, the current practice of cutting tool inspection and management does not always result in anticipated benefits. In this paper, a quantitative method for evaluating the overall service health condition (OSHC) of a cutterhead was proposed for the first time and applied to two parallel twin tunnels in Beijing Daxing International Airport Express Line. The findings indicate that one shield performed well without wear inspection and cutting parts replacement. However, the cutterhead of the other shield with mismatched new and old cutting parts after inspection and partial replacement had an unexpected worse OSHC in the subsequent tunneling. A quantitative relationship between the OSHC of a cutterhead and tunneling distance was proposed to guide the determination of an inspection shaft location for performing on-demand cutting tool inspection and replacement. The proposed method has the potential to enable data-driven, on-demand cutting tool inspection and management that is critical for achieving faster, less disruptive and cost-saving tunneling, especially beneath a highly populated urban area.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number105115
JournalTunnelling and Underground Space Technology
StatePublished - Jul 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Building and Construction
  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology


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