Reaction-based modeling of quinone-mediated bacterial iron(III) reduction

William D. Burgos, Yilin Fang, Richard A. Royer, Gour Tsyh Yeh, James J. Stone, Byong Hun Jeon, Brian A. Dempsey

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38 Scopus citations


This paper presents and validates a new paradigm for modeling complex biogeochemical systems using a diagonalized reaction-based approach. The bioreduction kinetics of hematite (α-Fe2 O3) by the dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium (DMRB) Shewanella putrefaciens strain CN32 in the presence of the soluble electron shuttling compound anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) is used for presentation/validation purposes. Experiments were conducted under nongrowth conditions with H2 as the electron donor. In the presence of AQDS, both direct biological reduction and indirect chemical reduction of hematite by bioreduced anthrahydroquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AH2DS) can produce Fe(II). Separate experiments were performed to describe the bioreduction of hematite, bioreduction of AQDS, chemical reduction of hematite by AH2DS, Fe(II) sorption to hematite, and Fe(II) biosorption to DMRB. The independently determined rate parameters and equilibrium constants were then used to simulate the parallel kinetic reactions of Fe(II) production in the hematite-with-AQDS experiments. Previousl y determined rate formulations/parameters for the bioreduction of hematite and Fe(II) sorption to hematite were systematically tested by conducting experiments with different initial conditions. As a result, the rate formulation/parameter for hematite bioreduction was not modified, but the rate parameters for Fe(II) sorption to hematite were modified slightly. The hematite bioreduction rate formulation was first-order with respect to hematite "free" surface sites and zero-order with respect to DMRB based on experiments conducted with variable concentrations of hematite and DMRB. The AQDS bioreduction rate formulation was first-order with respect to AQDS and first-order with respect to DMRB based on experiments conducted with variable concentrations of AQDS and DMRB. The chemical reduction of hematite by AH2DS was fast and considered to be an equilibrium reaction. The simulations of hematite-with-AQDS experiments were very sensitive to the equilibrium constant for the hematite-AH2DS reaction. The model simulated the hematite-with-AQDS experiments well if it was assumed that the ferric oxide "surface" phase was more disordered than pure hematite. This is the first reported study where a diagonalized reaction-based model was used to simulate parallel kinetic reactions based on rate formulations/parameters independently obtained from segregated experiments.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2735-2748
Number of pages14
JournalGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Issue number15
StatePublished - Aug 1 2003

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Geochemistry and Petrology


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