RNA-seq-based comparative transcriptome analysis reveals the role of CsPrx73 in waterlogging-triggered adventitious root formation in cucumber

Jiawei Pan, Jia Song, Hamza Sohail, Rahat Sharif, Wenjing Yan, Qiming Hu, Xiaohua Qi, Xiaodong Yang, Xuewen Xu, Xuehao Chen

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2 Scopus citations


Abiotic stressors like waterlogging are detrimental to cucumber development and growth. However, comprehension of the highly complex molecular mechanism underlying waterlogging can provide an opportunity to enhance cucumber tolerance under waterlogging stress. We examined the hypocotyl and stage-specific transcriptomes of the waterlogging-tolerant YZ026A and the waterlogging-sensitive YZ106A, which had different adventitious rooting ability under waterlogging. YZ026A performed better under waterlogging stress by altering its antioxidative machinery and demonstrated a greater superoxide ion (O 2-) scavenging ability. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis showed that a high number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were enriched in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. By pairwise comparison and weighted gene co-expression network analysis analysis, 2616 DEGs were obtained which were categorized into 11 gene co-expression modules. Amongst the 11 modules, black was identified as the common module and yielded a novel key regulatory gene, CsPrx73. Transgenic cucumber plants overexpressing CsPrx73 enhance adventitious root (AR) formation under waterlogging conditions and increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging. Silencing of CsPrx73 expression by virus-induced gene silencing adversely affects AR formation under the waterlogging condition. Our results also indicated that CsERF7-3, a waterlogging-responsive ERF transcription factor, can directly bind to the ATCTA-box motif in the CsPrx73 promoter to initiate its expression. Overexpression of CsERF7-3 enhanced CsPrx73 expression and AR formation. On the contrary, CsERF7-3-silenced plants decreased CsPrx73 expression and rooting ability. In conclusion, our study demonstrates a novel CsERF7-3-CsPrx73 module that allows cucumbers to adapt more efficiently to waterlogging stress by promoting AR production and ROS scavenging.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberuhae062
JournalHorticulture Research
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetics
  • Plant Science
  • Horticulture


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