Sialidase activiy in transformed cells

C. L. Schengrund, R. N. Lausch, A. Rosenberg

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    76 Scopus citations


    Sialidase activity, ganglioside patterns, and total cellular sialic acid content were determined for normal and transformed hamster cells in tissue culture. Sialidase activity toward added extracellular disialo- and trisialoganglioside substrate was found in all transformed cell lines studied. Activity ranged from 0.6 μg of sialic acid released per mg of protein per 90 min, for a spontaneously transformed line of baby hamster kidney cells (BHK 21) to 1.8 μg of sialic acid per mg of protein per 90 min, for a cell line (Ad 12) derived from an adenovirus 12 induced tumor. No measurable sialidase activity toward added ganglioside substrate was found in control, untransformed, hamster embryo fibroblasts (HEF), baby hamster kidney fibroblasts (BHK), or adult hamster kidney fibroblasts (AHK). These findings indicate that tumorigenic transformation is accompanied by the appearance of sialidase activity directable toward extracellular lipid bound sialyl substrate. No consistent change in the ganglioside pattern of the whole cell was observed upon transformation. Hematoside was the major ganglioside in all of the control and transformed cell lines with the exception of Ad 12, where monosialoganglioside appeared to be present in a greater amount. Total cellular sialic acid values obtained after cell transformation were either the same as those for the normal, e.g. 3.8 μg of sialic acid per mg of protein for the HEF, normal, and Ad 12, transformed, cell lines, or less than those for the HEF cells, e.g. 3.5 and 2.9 μg of sialic acid per mg of protein for the Ad 7 (derived from an adenovirus 7 induced tumor) and the BHK 21 cell lines, respectively.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)4424-4428
    Number of pages5
    JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
    Issue number12
    StatePublished - 1973

    All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

    • Biochemistry
    • Molecular Biology
    • Cell Biology


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