Simulation of spatially distributed sources, transport, and transformation of nitrogen from fertilization and septic systems in a suburban watershed

Ruoyu Zhang, Lawrence E. Band, Peter M. Groffman, Laurence Lin, Amanda K. Suchy, Jonathan M. Duncan, Arthur J. Gold

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Excess export of reactive nitrogen in the form of nitrate (NO3 ) from suburban watersheds is a major source of water quality degradation and threatens the health of downstream and coastal waterbodies. Ecosystem restoration and best management practices (BMPs) can be introduced to reduce in-stream NO3 loads by promoting vegetation uptake and denitrification in the upland and riparian areas. However, accurately evaluating the effectiveness of these practices and setting regulations for nitrogen inputs requires an understanding of how human sources of nitrogen interact with ecohydrological systems. We evaluated how the spatial and temporal distribution of nitrogen sources interacts with ecohydrological transport and transformation processes along surface and subsurface flow paths with respect to nitrogen cycling and export. Embedding distributed household sources of nitrogen and water within hillslope hydrologic systems influences the development of both planned and unplanned “hot spots” of nitrogen flux and retention in suburban ecosystems. We chose a well-monitored low-density suburban watershed, Baisman Run, in Baltimore County, Maryland, USA, to evaluate patterns of in-stream NO3 concentrations and terrestrial nitrogen cycling processes in response to three common activities: irrigation, fertilization, and on-site sanitary wastewater disposal (septic systems). We augmented a distributed ecohydrological model, RHESSys (Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulator System), with estimates of the spatial distribution of these loads at household parcel level to develop a predictive understanding of the factors generating upland and riparian nitrogen cycling, transport, and stream NO3 concentrations. We calibrate subsurface hydraulic parameters only without calibrating ecosystem and biogeochemical processes. The calibrated model predicted mean NO3 concentrations of 1.43 mg NO3 -N L−1 compared to the observed 1.6 mg NO3 -N L−1 from water year 2013 to 2017. With spatially explicit irrigation, fertilizer, and septic effluent inputs, estimated denitrification rates in grass lawns, a dominant land cover in suburban landscapes, were also in the range of previously measured values. The highest predicted denitrification rates (N retention hot spots) were downslope of lawn and septic locations in a constructed wetland and at a riparian sediment accumulation zone at the base of a gully receiving street drainage. These locations illustrate the development of hot spots for nitrogen cycling and export in both planned and “accidental” retention features. Appropriate siting of suburban nutrient management and BMPs should assess and incorporate spontaneously developed nutrient hot spots to design improved landscape ecosystem N retention and water quality.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)4599-4621
Number of pages23
JournalHydrology and Earth System Sciences
Issue number20
StatePublished - Oct 24 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Water Science and Technology
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)


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