Single-Crystal Intermetallic Catalysts Using MoS2 as a Growth Template

Ama D. Agyapong, Suzanne E. Mohney

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Intermetallic alloy phases and especially ordered intermetallic phases offer interesting chemical and physical properties. For example, many ordered intermetallics are attractive catalysts including Pt- and Pd-bearing phases. To better understand and exploit these materials, single crystals offer advantages. Here, we demonstrate the preparation of highly oriented or epitaxial thin films of the intermetallics PdCu, PtCu, PdIn, and PtAl2 on single-crystal MoS2. We find that cubic PdCu and PtCu films orient on MoS2 with the epitaxial relationship PdCu (111)||MoS2 (0001); PdCu[2̅11]||MoS2 [11̅00] when cosputtered at room temperature. However, they are metastable disordered (or random) alloys. Upon annealing at 400 °C, we find evidence for ordering of PtCu. This ordered intermetallic is hexagonal and adopts the orientation PtCu (0001)||MoS2 (0001); PtCu[11̅00]||MoS2 [11̅00]. The ordered intermetallic PdIn forms at room temperature with the orientation PdIn (111)||MoS2 (0001); PdIn[11̅0]||MoS2 [11̅00]; however, it is a textured film with a wide mosaic spread, even after annealing at 400 °C. The ordered PtAl2 intermetallic phase does not grow epitaxially at room temperature; however, upon annealing at 400 °C, we observe the PtAl2(100) face on MoS2(0001) rather than the initially expected PtAl2(111) face. The criteria we used previously to predict low-temperature epitaxy of elemental metals remain reliable (high adatom mobility, lack of reactivity with MoS2, and matching symmetry with the basal plane of MoS2).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1578-1590
Number of pages13
JournalCrystal Growth and Design
Issue number4
StatePublished - Feb 21 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Chemistry
  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics

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