Si/SiGe electron resonant tunneling diodes

D. J. Paul, P. See, I. V. Zozoulenko, K. F. Berggren, B. Kabius, B. Holländer, S. Mantl

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

47 Scopus citations


Resonant tunneling diodes have been fabricated using strained-Si wells and strained Si0.4Ge0.6 barriers on a relaxed Si0.8Ge0.2 n-type substrate, which demonstrate negative differential resistance at 298 K. Peak current densities of 5 kA/cm2 with peak-to-valley current ratios of 1.1 have been achieved. Theoretical modeling of the structure demonstrates that the major current peak results from the tunneling of light-mass electrons from the relaxed substrate and not from the heavy-mass electrons in the emitter accumulation layer.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1653-1655
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number11
StatePublished - Sep 11 2000

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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