Sustainable operations management: Design, modelling and analysis

Angappa Gunasekaran, Zahir Irani

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


The special issue of Journal of the Operational Research Society informs that Sustainable Operations Management (SOM) is being emphasized by operations management and management science researchers. The 11 papers appearing in this special issue deal with the issues of modeling and analysis of SOM. These papers reveal that SOM can be defined as the operations strategies, tactics and techniques, and operational policies to support both the economic and the environmental objectives and goals. The objective of the special issue is to understand the definition of SOM and present the current status of research in modeling and analysis, along with future research directions in the field. The paper entitled Infrastructure Topology Optimization under Competition through Cross-Entropy deals with infrastructure topology optimization competition through cross-entropy.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)801-805
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of the Operational Research Society
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2014

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Management Information Systems
  • Strategy and Management
  • Management Science and Operations Research
  • Marketing


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