Symmetric capacity of the gaussian interference channel with an out-of-band relay to within 1.15 bits

Ye Tian, Aylin Yener

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    18 Scopus citations


    This paper studies the Gaussian interference channel (IC) with a relay, which transmits and receives in a band that is orthogonal to the IC. The channel associated with the relay is thus an out-of-band relay channel (OBRC). The focus is on a symmetric channel model, in order to assess the fundamental impact of the OBRC on the signal interaction of the IC, in the simplest possible setting. First, the linear deterministic model is investigated and the sum capacity of this channel is established for all possible channel parameters. In particular, it is observed that the impact of OBRC, as its links get stronger, is similar to that of output feedback for the IC. The insights obtained from the deterministic model are then used to design achievable schemes for the Gaussian model. The interference links are classified as extremely strong, very strong, strong, moderate, weak, and very weak. For strong and moderate interference, separate encoding is near optimal. For very strong and extremely strong interference, the interference links provide side information to the destinations, which can help the transmission through the OBRC. For weak or very weak interference, an extension of the Han-Kobayashi scheme for the IC is utilized, where the messages are split into common and private. To achieve higher rates, it is beneficial to further split the common message into two parts, and the OBRC plays an important role in decoding the common message. It is shown that our strategy achieves the symmetric capacity to within 1.14625 bits per channel use with duplexing factor 0.5, and 1.27125 bits per channel use for arbitrary duplexing factors, for all channel parameters. An important observation from the constant gap result is that strong interference can be beneficial with the presence of an OBR.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number6200865
    Pages (from-to)5151-5171
    Number of pages21
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Theory
    Issue number8
    StatePublished - 2012

    All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

    • Information Systems
    • Computer Science Applications
    • Library and Information Sciences


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