The adsorption-controlled growth of LuFe2O4 by molecular-beam epitaxy

Charles M. Brooks, Rajiv Misra, Julia A. Mundy, Lei A. Zhang, Brian S. Holinsworth, Kenneth R. O'Neal, Tassilo Heeg, Willi Zander, J. Schubert, Janice L. Musfeldt, Zi Kui Liu, David A. Muller, Peter Schiffer, Darrell G. Schlom

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

40 Scopus citations


We report the growth of single-phase (0001)-oriented epitaxial films of the purported electronically driven multiferroic, LuFe2O4, on (111) MgAl2O4, (111) MgO, and (0001) 6H-SiC substrates. Film stoichiometry was regulated using an adsorption-controlled growth process by depositing LuFe2O4 in an iron-rich environment at pressures and temperatures where excess iron desorbs from the film surface during growth. Scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals reaction-free film-substrate interfaces. The magnetization increases rapidly below 240K, consistent with the paramagnetic-to-ferrimagnetic phase transition of bulk LuFe2O4. In addition to the ∼0.35eV indirect band gap, optical spectroscopy reveals a 3.4eV direct band gap at the gamma point.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number132907
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number13
StatePublished - Sep 24 2012

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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