The cutting edge

Pat Shipman

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

1 Scopus citations


Pat Shipman discusses whether stone-tool marks on fossils can be distinguished from tooth marks. In 2009 paleontologist Denis Gerselves aads of the French Centre National de Ia Recherche Scientifique was collecting bones from the surface of one area and noticed, on one calcaneum from an antelope, a set of obvious, unusual marks. Based on field inspection, he thought these might be cut marks made by a stone tool, so he brought the bone back to camp and showed it to the rest of the team. They decided to return to that area and several others to inspect every fragment of fossilized bone for similar marks. The random patterning of the marks on those two specimens matched those produced by crocodile action or other unknown processes. Crocodile feeding techniques include twirling, twisting and hitting bones on the ground or rocks.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages4
Specialist publicationAmerican Scientist
StatePublished - Nov 2010

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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