The effects of early-life and intergenerational stress on the brain

Lara D. Ladage, Gail L. McCormick, Travis R. Robbins, Anna S. Longwell, Tracy Langkilde

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Stress experienced during ontogeny can have profound effects on the adult phenotype. However, stress can also be experienced intergenerationally, where an offspring's phenotype can be moulded by stress experienced by the parents. Although early-life and intergenerational stress can alter anatomy, physiology, and behaviour, nothing is known about how these stress contexts interact to affect the neural phenotype. Here, we examined how early-life and intergenerational stress affect the brain in eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus). Some lizard populations co-occur with predatory fire ants, and stress from fire ant attacks exerts intergenerational physiological and behavioural changes in lizards. However, it is unclear if intergenerational stress, or the interaction between intergenerational and early-life stress, modulates the brain. To test this, we captured gravid females from fire ant invaded and uninvaded populations, and subjected offspring to three early-life stress treatments: (1) fire ant attack, (2) corticosterone, or (3) a control. Corticosterone and fire ant attack decreased some aspects of the neural phenotype while population of origin and the interaction of early-life stress and population had no effects on the brain. These results suggest that early-life stressors may better predict adult brain variation than intergenerational stress in this species.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number20231356
JournalProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Issue number2011
StatePublished - Nov 29 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Immunology and Microbiology
  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • General Environmental Science
  • General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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