The influence of work personality on job satisfaction: Incremental validity and mediation effects

Daniel Heller, D. Lance Ferris, Douglas Brown, David Watson

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46 Scopus citations


Drawing from recent developments regarding the contextual nature of personality (e.g., D. Wood & B. W. Roberts, 2006), we conducted 2 studies (1 cross-sectional and 1 longitudinal over 1 year) to examine the validity of work personality in predicting job satisfaction and its mediation of the effect of global personality on job satisfaction. Study 1 showed that (a) individuals vary systematically in their personality between roles - they were significantly more conscientious and open to experience and less extraverted at work compared to at home; (b) work personality was a better predictor of job satisfaction than both global personality and home personality; and (c) work personality demonstrated incremental validity above and beyond the other two personality measures. Study 2 further showed that each of the work personality dimensions fully mediated the association between its corresponding global personality trait and job satisfaction. Evidence for the discriminant validity of the findings is also presented.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1051-1084
Number of pages34
JournalJournal of Personality
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2009

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Social Psychology


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