The L gene of J paramyxovirus plays a critical role in viral pathogenesis

Zhuo Li, Jie Xu, Zhenhai Chen, Xiudan Gao, Lin Fa Wang, Christopher Basler, Kaori Sakamoto, Biao He

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12 Scopus citations


J paramyxovirus (JPV) was first isolated from moribund mice with hemorrhagic lung lesions in Australia in the 1970s. Recent sequencing of JPV (JPV-LW) confirms that JPV is a paramyxovirus with several unique features. However, neither JPV-LW nor a recombinant JPV based on its sequence (rJPV-LW) caused obvious illness in mice. In this work, we analyzed a different JPV isolate (JPV-BH), which behaved differently from JPV-LW; JPV-BH grew more slowly in Vero cells and had less of a cytopathic effect on tissue culture cells but caused severe disease in mice. We have determined the whole genome sequence of JPV-BH. There were several nucleotide sequence differences between JPV-BH and JPV-LW, one in the leader sequence, one in the GX gene, and three in the L gene. The high sequence identity between JPV-BH and JPV-LW suggests that JPV-BH and JPV-LW are the same virus strain but were obtained at different passages from different laboratories. To understand the roles of these nucleotide sequence differences in pathogenicity in mice, we generated a recombinant JPV-BH strain (rJPV-BH) and hybrid rJPV-BH strains with sequences from the leader sequence (rJPV-BH-Le-LW), the GX gene (rJPV-BH-GX-LW), and the L gene (rJPV-BH-L-LW) of JPV-LW and compared their pathogenicities in mice. We have found that rJPV-BH-L-LW was attenuated in mice, indicating that nucleotide sequence differences in the L gene play a critical role in pathogenesis.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)12990-12998
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of virology
Issue number23
StatePublished - Dec 2013

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Microbiology
  • Immunology
  • Insect Science
  • Virology


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