Tibiofibular bone-bridging osteoplasty in transtibial amputation: case report and description of technique.

John P. Malloy, Jason G. Dalling, Mostafa H. El Dafrawy, Jorge S. Bustillo, John Reid

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Transtibial amputation osteoplasty procedures were originally designed as a technique for achieving a functional end-bearing limb in the post-World War I era; the Ertl procedure is now often used as a reconstructive procedure for failed primary amputations. Modifications of the original periosteal sleeve-covering technique include the tibiofibular bone-bridging osteoplasty. The theoretical advantages to this procedure are highly debated among trauma surgeons. For the patient with a lower extremity injury that necessitates a transtibial amputation, there are many psychologic and physiologic factors to consider, and a persistently painful residual limb postamputation may be mentally and physically disabling. Although the advantages of these techniques may be unproven, they are fairly simple and add little additional operative time to the primary transtibial amputation. A surgeon who performs transtibial amputations should at least be aware of the osteoplasty techniques and how to perform them. The decision to use these techniques may then be made by the surgeon on a case-by-case basis, given the individual demands of the patient. This article presents a case report and outlines the use of the fibular bone-bridging osteoplasty technique in transtibial amputations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)270-274
Number of pages5
JournalUnknown Journal
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2012

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Medicine


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