Transverse imaging of the proton in exclusive diffractive pp scattering

C. E. Hyde-Wright, L. Frankfurt, M. Strikman, C. Weiss

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

1 Scopus citations


In a recent paper we describe a new approach to rapidity gap survival RGS in the production of high-mass systems (H = dijet, Higgs, etc.) in exclusive double-gap diffractive pp scattering, pp → p + H +p. It is based on the idea that hard and soft interactions are approximately independent (QCD factorization), and allows us to calculate the RGS probability in a model-independent way in terms of the gluon generalized parton distributions (GPDs) in the colliding protons and the pp elastic scattering amplitude. Here we focus on the transverse momentum dependence of the cross section. By measuring the "diffraction pattern," one can perform detailed tests of the interplay of hard and soft interactions, and even extract information about the gluon GPD in the proton from the data.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationDeep Inelastic Scattering - Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop, DIS 2006
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2006
Event14th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD, DIS 2006 - Tsukuba, Japan
Duration: Apr 20 2006Apr 24 2006

Publication series

NameDeep Inelastic Scattering - Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop, DIS 2006


Other14th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD, DIS 2006

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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