Two ventral midline penile lesions in a young adult

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Traumatic neuromas are benign nerve sheath tumors resulting in overgrowth of nerve fibers of severed ends in which the axons to Schwann cell fascicles approaches a near 1:1 ratio. They occur when the nerve has been injured and continuity cannot be reestablished. Traumatic neuromas that arise in the penis are rare and are difficult to differentiate from condylomata without histopathologic analysis. Here, we present a case in which a patient presents with two ventral penile lesions in which excisional biopsy and histologic analysis proved to be diagnostic and curative.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number102781
JournalUrology Case Reports
StatePublished - Jul 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Urology


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