title = "Understanding successful resistance management: the European corn borer and Bt corn in the United States.",
abstract = "The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis H{\"u}bner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) has been a major pest of corn and other crops in North America since its accidental introduction nearly a hundred years ago. Wide adoption of transgenic corn hybrids that express toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis, referred to as Bt corn, has suppressed corn borer populations and reduced the pest status of this insect in parts of the Corn Belt. Continued suppression of this pest, however, will depend on managing potential resistance to Bt corn, currently through the high-dose refuge (HDR) strategy. In this review, we describe what has been learned with regard to O. nubilalis resistance to Bt toxins either through laboratory selection experiments or isolation of resistance from field populations. We also describe the essential components of the HDR strategy as they relate to O. nubilalis biology and ecology. Additionally, recent developments in insect resistance management (IRM) specific to O. nubilalis that may affect the continued sustainability of this technology are considered.",
author = "Siegfried, {Blair D.} and Hellmich, {Richard L.}",
note = "Funding Information: Early surveys of Bt corn fieldtent with the HDR strategy appeDo nots as well as the inheritancar to have been realized.de of istribuAtceknowle.dgements resistance among selected populations supports the high-dose This research was a joint contribution from the USDA Agricultural nature of Bt corn events. That heterozygotes from even the most Research Service and the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics resistant strains do not survive exposure to either Cry1Ab or Experiment Station, Ames (Project 30253543). This article Cry1F expressing corn plants supports the functional recessive-reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary ness of resistance to these plants. Annual surveys of O. nubila- product does not constitute an endorsement or a recommenda-lis susceptibility and repeated attempts to select for resistance to tion by the USDA for its use. The authors gratefully acknowl-Cry1Ab protein suggest a major allele that confers resistance is edge support from the Agricultural Biotechnology Stewardship rare among field populations. In contrast, laboratory selection Technical Committee and the USDA NIFA Biotechnology Risk with the Cry1F protein has isolated an O. nubilalis strain that Assessment Grant Program; numbers 2006-3352-17394, 2010-exhibits high resistance conferred by a single, recessive genetic 33522-21673 and 2007-39211-18461.",
year = "2012",
doi = "10.4161/gmcr.20715",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "3",
pages = "184--193",
journal = "GM crops & food",
issn = "2164-5698",
publisher = "Landes Bioscience",
number = "3",