Water use strategy of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus community in a drought year on the Mongolian Plateau

Ya Juan Zhu, Guo Jie Wang, Zhi Ming Xin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Aims: In desert ecosystems, water is a restricting factor for plant growth and vegetation dynamics. The relatively stable water source from deep soil profile or groundwater is important for plant survival during drought. Understanding water use strategy of endangered species, in desert ecosystem is essential for their conservation and restoration such as Ammopiptanthus mongolicus on the Mongolian Plateau. Methods: The stable isotope method of δD and 18O was used to examine the main water sources of A. mongolicus and two companion shrubs, e.g. Artemisia ordosica and Artemisia xerophytica. The contribution of different water sources to each species was calculated by IsoSource model. Leaf 13C was used to compare long-Term water use efficiency of three shrubs. Soil moisture and root distribution of three shrubs was measured to explain plant water use strategy. Important Findings: The results showed that A. mongolicus relied on groundwater and 150-200 cm deep soil water, with the former contributing to almost half of its total water source. Artemisia ordosica mainly used 150-200 cm deep soil water, but also used shallow soil water within 100 cm in summer and autumn. Artemisia xerophytica mainly used 150-200 cm deep soil water and groundwater, with the latter contributing to about 30%-60% of its total water source. The three shrubs had dimorphic or deep root systems, which are in accord with their water sources. The WUE in the evergreen shrub A. mongolicus was higher than in two deciduous Artemisia shrubs, which may be an adaptive advantage in desert ecosystem. Therefore, groundwater is an important water source for the endangered shrub A. mongolicus in a drought year on Mongolian Plateau. Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and two Artemisia shrubs competed for deep soil water and groundwater.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)793-800
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Plant Ecology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 1 2020

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Ecology
  • Plant Science


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