Whose Need Matters? The Local Welfare State, Poverty, and Variation in US Counties’ Social Service Provisioning

Paige Kelly, Linda Lobao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Sociologists have long studied poverty across localities. Yet, little research focuses on local governments and the social services they directly provide to those in-need. Researchers concerned with the US welfare state note that localized administration of social programs creates geographic variability in provisioning and potential for status-based discrimination, such as racism, to influence policy. This paper addresses two questions: (1) To what extent does local need influence counties’ provision of social services? (2) Does the provision of social services vary according to which social group is most in-need? Conceptually, we break ground by placing spatial inequality research on local disparities into dialogue with sociology’s welfare state tradition. Using novel data for 1,600 county governments across the nation, we find that local need as measured by the poverty rate is related to greater social service provisioning, suggesting governments’ responsiveness. However, provisioning is unequal when the level of need is disaggregated among social groups, race/ethnicity, and gender. Higher poverty among whites is associated with greater provisioning of social services. This study showcases possible means by which unequal patterns of social welfare support emerge and reveals the potential role of local governments in perpetuating inequalities by privileging some groups’ need more than others.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)566-590
Number of pages25
JournalSocial Currents
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2021

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Social Sciences

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